Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Landslide tragedy in Solo

On 27th dec 07, after commemoration of the tsunami, the landslide tragedy happened in Solo. It was unexpected although it is a wet season but nobody anticipate such misfortune may happen. I was having dinner when my sister was watching the news. When I heard the tragedy happened in Tawangmangu and karanganyar, Solo, I quickly rushed to the tv screen. I was in the state of shock to hear the news. I sms one of my teachers Kiyai Ust Sholeh Masrur to check on him and his family condition. Alhamdulilah, they are safe and fine but they informed me, some of the students there had died, some lost their families members while many lost their homes.

A few days later, he sms me asking for some donations, to raise the funds in helping the victims of the landslide. I can imagine in such situation on how the people are feeling because I experienced earthquake in Solo while I was studying there. The collateral damage was severe. The recent news, 60,000 people had lost their homes. My heart sank while watching the visual of the district in Solo. It reminded me of Aceh. The city becoming like an ocean, with the high tide at bengawan solo, the water level is increasing from time to time. Many had to abandon their homes and seek refuge elsewhere while some are still hoping for a miracle and recovery soon.

The sweet and bitter memories of Solo will always be in my heart forever. It is an important valuable experience for me inorder to be a better man. I still remembered when I informed Shaykh Zakaria, we are about to passby the Bengawan Solo, he was so happy that he looked out at the window of the bus and sang the song Bengawan Solo. Today he still remember the Bengawan Solo river and he would share with those around him and he will sing the song for you. Bengawan Solo, riwayat mu ini, Sedari dulu, jadi perhatian dewi Sari

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