Saturday, January 5, 2008

Demak "The City of Saints"

After we left the Pondok pesantren At Taufiqy, we headed to Demak, the city of saints. It was two and half hour journey. As we entered the city, there was a huge signboard "Welcome to the city of Saints". It make us excited although we are exhausted due to the journey in the bus. We finally arrived Demak, the first Islamic Kingdom in Java. It was thursday night of "Kliwon", an auspicious night for the Javanese. So it was crowded in the city area, buses and cars coming into the city to visit the Maqam of Sunan Kali Jaga. It was said only in the night of Thursday Kliwon, the maqam of Sunan Kali Jaga will be open for the public to visit.

Alhamdulilah, we are fortunate to be at the right time and day to visit One of the vital member of the Wali Songo. A saint whom we have heard of his wonderful stories in regards to his contributions to the poor and development of Islam in the Java region. But we didnt manage to visit the maqam on that particular night due to the crowded situation. Thus Allah had a better plan for us to visit tommorow. We were expected to have Khatm Khawajan or zikir in the Masjid Agung, Demak but due to the tiredness of Shaykh Zakaria, we did at the home of our bro Hidayah parents which is located near to the maqam of Sunan Kali Jaga.

Although Hidayah is not at home as he is working in Balikpapan, Kalimantan, his parents were so happy to recieve us as their guests. Hidayah was also hoping we visited his parents. We had a good time zikir at the house. May Allah bless them for their hospitality and kindness.

Pic of Hidayah father
masjid Agung, Demak by Firdays jr
Interior of Masjid Agung

Please do not re-use the photos without permission

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