Friday, January 18, 2008

Habib Syech Assegaf, Solo

I fell in love with Habib Syech voice when the first time i heard him singing some Qasidah at Masjid Riyadh during the Mawlid with the Late Habib Anis. It was my first day in Solo. His voice captivated me and divinely open the gate of my heart. I was mesmerised by his singing. He told me his experience in learning Qasidah since young. His late dad would always forced him to sing therefore, he believe due to the baraqa of his dad, he is able to sing Qasidah very well today.He was one of the Muazzin of Masjid Assegaf, Solo together with Haddad Alwi when he was a teenager.

I did manage to meet him at his home, after several attempts as we know he have very busy schedule. Masha'Allah it was a very blessing and unforgettable experience. We had some coffee. I realized the Habaaib love coffee, its the wine of Islam. He began to sing infront of me, the tears in my heart began to flow. He did ask me to sing along with him. He said if you love Qasidah and music, you should sing.

He lead the majlis Ratib al Attas beside, the Qasidah sessions. Usually, there will be huge crowd gathering for his majlis. On thursday night, he will be at Masjid Riyadh attending the Mawlid Simtur Duror. Recently, early last year 2006, they had Qasidah Festival at the mosque. It was a unique event, propogating love for the Beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. through the singing of the Qasidah. He would sing the famous Diwan Imam Abdullah al Haddad, Diwan of Habib Ali al Habsyi, this include some other Qasidahs from other Awliyah.

Today, Habib Syech have been touring within the domestic state from java, kalimantan, madura including Jakarta to spread the teaching of Islam through his Qasidah singing and preach about love, compassion and humanity to various societies. may Allah bless him.

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