Monday, December 3, 2007

Habib Nuh al Haddad, Solo

Habib Nuh al Haddad or well known as Raden Nuh al Haddad is a direct descendant of the Qutb Imam Abdullah bin Alwi al Haddad q.s. According to Habib Nuh, the al Haddad family was the first Ahlul Bayt clan came into the land of Jawa, Solo. It was dated before the time of 9 Saints (Wali Songo). His great Grandfather Habib Ibrahim just like any other habaaib traveled long distance in spreading Islam with love.

There was a story narrated by Habib Noh about his great grandfather who first came to solo and heard the news of the local princess whom was very sick and whoever cure shall be given hefty reward. Habib Ibrahim helped the king and with the power of Allah s.w.t the princess was cure. He was given the chance to be in some important position within the king adminstration although he was already the advisor for the king but he declined the offer instead he manage to propogate Islam to the royal family and finally the king embraced Islam. Later on, Habib Ibrahim married to the princess. This is why Habib Noh al Haddad is being called Raden Nuh.
One of his other great grandfather, was the teacher and advisor for the king of Yogjakarta. The Haddad family certainly contribute to the development of religious studies in many parts of the world this include Singapore, malaysia, Indonesia and many more. The amal of Ratib al Haddad was famous in various part of the world today. Habib Nuh ever recieved a call from his student whom was working in Russia, saying there was a Majlis Ratib al Haddad in Moscow.

Habib Nuh al Haddad has always remain in his home except for friday prayers. He didnt leave home for 25 years. People from all walks of life often come to him for inspirational advice and help. From the government officals, religious affair staffs to commoners, he didnt turn anyone down when it comes to offer his help. Till today Habib Nuh is always engaging dakwah with the society base on his refine charactheristic. His love, compassion and sincerity will be felt by those who know him and cherish their moment with him. A simple man who embrace humanity with the heart full of love . Its difficult to find such noble man with humbleness. may Allah bless him and his family.

Pic: Habib Nuh al Haddad
Courtesy of Nashruddin bin Kamarudin
Please do not re-use the photos without permission

1 comment: said...

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..
Afwan, Excuse me Sir.. Can I Get the articel and photo Of The Habib and i publish in our site Majelis Fathul HIDayah Solo, Indonesia. because, the Habib is our teacher too.. Please give us permission..
Wassalamu'alaykum wr wb..
Yaa Rabbi Shalli 'Alaa Muhammad...