Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pondok Pesantren At-Taufiqy

Pekalongan is one of the cities of Central Java or also known as "City of students" "Kota Santri". One of the Cities that consist of many Pondok Pesantren, producing religious students and the batik printing.

One of the Pesantren we managed to visit during our last Wali Songo tour was the Pondok Pesantren At Taufiqy. We are fortunate to have the chance to meet the Principal Kiyai Taufik. He is the murid of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani. There were more than hundred students in this pondok studying in the tradtional islam methodology from different sciences such as Quran, Hadith, Arabic, Nahu, tassawuf, tauhid and many more.

We slept in the pondok for 1 day and the feeling was amazing. The atmosphere of the surrounding was indeed tranquility.After the prayer subuh, the students read their wirid with such smoothing intensity as the vibration of the rememberance make us focus upon Our Lord Himself. When the sun begin to rise, its a routine for the students to Ziyarah the maqam in the pondok. There is Shaykh Abdullah al Khan maqam. He wrote the manaqib of Shah Naqshband q.s. (Check out next posting on this Sufi Scholars)

While we were doing the ziyarah, the students were also doing the same routine like us. Then we had Mawlid Simtur Duror performed by the students. It was one of the spiritual experience we ever have in our life. There was a question and answer session between the students, Shaykh Zakaria Bahgarib and Kiyai Taufik. When the session end, we proceed with the breakfast, we had the local food, it was spicy, nice and delicious. It was around 10am when left the pondok heading towards Demak for our next Ziyarah destination.

pic: Khalid Ajmain
Please do not re-use the photos without permission

Remembrence of death

Sleep with the remembrence of death and rise with the awareness that you will not live long

Syaidina Uwais Al-Qarani r.a.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


From a distance while I was in the car, the vision of this Mosque made my heart sank. I dont know why. The last time I saw the picture of the mosque was during the tsunami tragedy. Somehow, the mosque survived during the Tsunami. It is one of the building which was not destroyed unlike the surrounding area. A unique design consist of Persian and Turkish architecture. It has 6 dome, that could make it special and spiritual. I dont know the reason behind the 6 dome. I will find the history about it.

The moment we parked the car, I felt it was like a dream come true, perhaps dejavu. I always wanted to go to this mosque. There is something special about it. I dont know how to describe . Although, in history the mosque was built by the Dutch during the colonization period, as a gift to the Acehnese, this mosque had become a National Mosque and also a symbol of faith. Alhamdulilah, we managed to perform our friday prayer in this mosque. It was beyond our ability to describe the feeling of praying in this amazing mosque. A mosque stand for more than a decade, act as a shelter during the turbulence of nature and conquered fear with the faith of Allah.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Khatm (Aceh)

Alhamdulilah, we had the khatm (Zikir) session (Naqshbandi Haqqani) at one of the kampung mosque lead by Shaykh Jamhuri bin Ramli al Hafiz. Shaykh Zakaria Bahgarib was there too, giving suhbah after the khatm. The rythmn of the zikir had made us into the state of tranquility.

pic: Shaykh Zakaria (left), Shaykh Jamhuri (right) by Khalid Ajmain
Please do not re-use the photos without permission

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The road is one

Don't you see that the roads to Mecca
are all different
The roads are different
the goal is one
When people come there
all quarrels or differences or disputes
that happened along the road are resolved
Those who shouted at each other

along the road
'you are wrong' or 'you are an infidel'
forgot their differences
when they come there because
there all hearts are in unison

Mawlana Rumi

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Shaykh Abdul Rauf al Fansuri asSingkli

Shaykh Shaykh Abdul Rauf al Fansuri asSingkli, was one of the Important Islamic Sufi Scholar from South East Asia. He also studied in Mekkah for several years before he returned to his homeland, Aceh. He initiated Shattariya Tariqa although his teacher was Shaykh Hamza al Fansuri. There was narration claimed he had more than 3 islamic spiritual path (Tariqa). Naqshbandi and Qadriyah was his other path.He played a major role in developing education in Aceh and the coastal area of Sumatra. may Allah bless him.

pic: The maqam of Shaykh Abdul Rauf al Fansuri asSingkli survive despite the destruction of its surronding area due to Tsunami. Although there are some construction need to be restored, the maqam eventually remain intact unlike the other concrete buildings.

Sultan MalikuZahir, Pasai, Aceh

Sultan MalikuZahir is the son of the Sultan Malikussalleh. When Sultan Malikussalleh passed away, Sultan MalikuZahir continued the reign of sultanate in Pasai, Aceh. Under the rule of Sultan MalikuZahir, Aceh was becoming more prosperous and Islam began to spread rapidly. The unique spiritual structure of the Maqam, resemble those in certain parts of Arabia. may Allah bless him.
Pic: The maqam of MalikuZahir, near the sea shore. It was mentioned that coastal area was affected by Tsunami but amazingly this Maqam remain the same despite the destruction of the surrounding area.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

If you hear a word

"If you hear a word from a Muslim which is offensive, try to find a good meaning for it. If you don't find a good meaning for it, say to yourself, 'I do not understand what he said,' in order to keep harmony between Muslims."

Imam Jafaar As Sadiq r.a.
taken from Naqshbandi sufi way book

Monday, December 3, 2007

Habib Nuh al Haddad, Solo

Habib Nuh al Haddad or well known as Raden Nuh al Haddad is a direct descendant of the Qutb Imam Abdullah bin Alwi al Haddad q.s. According to Habib Nuh, the al Haddad family was the first Ahlul Bayt clan came into the land of Jawa, Solo. It was dated before the time of 9 Saints (Wali Songo). His great Grandfather Habib Ibrahim just like any other habaaib traveled long distance in spreading Islam with love.

There was a story narrated by Habib Noh about his great grandfather who first came to solo and heard the news of the local princess whom was very sick and whoever cure shall be given hefty reward. Habib Ibrahim helped the king and with the power of Allah s.w.t the princess was cure. He was given the chance to be in some important position within the king adminstration although he was already the advisor for the king but he declined the offer instead he manage to propogate Islam to the royal family and finally the king embraced Islam. Later on, Habib Ibrahim married to the princess. This is why Habib Noh al Haddad is being called Raden Nuh.
One of his other great grandfather, was the teacher and advisor for the king of Yogjakarta. The Haddad family certainly contribute to the development of religious studies in many parts of the world this include Singapore, malaysia, Indonesia and many more. The amal of Ratib al Haddad was famous in various part of the world today. Habib Nuh ever recieved a call from his student whom was working in Russia, saying there was a Majlis Ratib al Haddad in Moscow.

Habib Nuh al Haddad has always remain in his home except for friday prayers. He didnt leave home for 25 years. People from all walks of life often come to him for inspirational advice and help. From the government officals, religious affair staffs to commoners, he didnt turn anyone down when it comes to offer his help. Till today Habib Nuh is always engaging dakwah with the society base on his refine charactheristic. His love, compassion and sincerity will be felt by those who know him and cherish their moment with him. A simple man who embrace humanity with the heart full of love . Its difficult to find such noble man with humbleness. may Allah bless him and his family.

Pic: Habib Nuh al Haddad
Courtesy of Nashruddin bin Kamarudin
Please do not re-use the photos without permission

Another view of Maqam "Paku" Pekalongan

Another view of the Maqam "Paku" Pekalongan, Habib Ahmad al Attas.
Pic: Courtesy of Nashruddin bin Kamarudin

Spiritual architecture inspiration of Sunan Kudus

Sunan Kudus learnt many lessons and valuable experiences from Sunan Kali Jaga. Therefore he was so tolerant to the local cultures and even more softer compare to the other Saints up to the point that if someone said to have be having difficulty in making dawah in Kudus they will refer back to Sunan Kudus as the most successful person in this area.

He makes good use of the symbols appeared in the religion of Hindusim and Buddhism and manifested it into spiritual architecture especially mosques, minarets, entrance gates and ablutions symbolizing the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. This is a compromising love and arts made by Sunan Kudus to his people.

There was one occasion he deliberately called the locals to listen to his sermon by tying his cow named "Kebo Gumarang" in the mosque courtyard, the Hindus whom revered cows as their deity soon became sympathetic after listening to the explanation made by him in Sura al Baqara. Up until then those people in Kudus refuse to slaughter bulls and cows because of their ancient beliefs in the sanctity of cows.

Sunan Kudus also complied stories on the subject of tauhid into series and made the crowd became enthusiastic in listening to those stories. This is the Javanese version of 1001 Arabian Night prior to the the book of 1001 night during the Abassid Caliphate.
Pic: Minaret of the mosque by Sunan Kudus

Sunan Kudus

Sunan Kudus is one of the 9 saints (Wali Songo). His real name is Jaafar As-Sadiq the son of Sunan Ngudung and Syarifah (sibling of Sunan Bonang), sons Nyi Ageng Maloka. One of the narrations claimed that he was a son of the Egytian Sultan who migrated to Java though the other version staunchly claimed he was from Yemen. He was a man of great learning as well as a poet and a philosopher. In Demak, he was appointed as Commander in Chief of the army battalion before founding the city of Kudus sometime in the mid of 16th century. He went forth with Sultan Prawata, battling against Adipati Jipang, Arya Penangsang. may Allah bless him.

pic: The door of the Maqam Sunan Kudus

Mawlana Malik Ibrahim, Gerisik, East Java

Mawlana Malik Ibrahim is one of the eldest among the 9 saints (Wali Songo). Many narrations claimed that he was from Morrocco. Another version would probably from Yemen. He was the younger brother of Sultan Malikussalleh from Pasai, Aceh. His famous story was before he reached the land of Java, he was from Gujerat, doing dakwah. The refutation arise when we know in Yemen, they dont address their scholars or sufi masters as "Mawlana". Hence, some historians believe he's not from Yemen. Another possibility could be, he had the "Mawlana" title when he was at Gujerat. The indians usually refer to the scholars or sufi masters as "Mawlana".

Regardless of the various narrations on his background, Mawlana Malik Ibrahim had done a concerte contribution in performing dakwah with love to the Javanese Society whom were staunch hindus during that period of time. may Allah bless him for his noble effort in spreading the teaching of Islam by following the example of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Habib Lutfi and Shaykh Jamhuri

This is the picture of the al Alamah al Habib Lutfi bin Yahyah (right) from Pekalongan, Java, Indonesia murshid of the Shahdliyah path and the President of the Indonesia Tariqa Association together with Shaykh Jamhuri bin Ramli al Hafiz from Aceh. He is a mureed of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani. He is also one of the few Imam at Baitur Rahman Mosque, Aceh.

The picture was taken during our "Wali Songo" tour. We managed to visit Habib Lutfi and listened to his advice.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Masjid Agung (The Grand Mosque) Demak

Before we visited the Maqam of Raden Fatah, we arrived at this beautiful Grand Mosque or known in this region with bahasa as Masjid Agung in Demak. It was sorely built by the 9 Saints (Wali Songo) in one day. According to Kiyai Taufiq, the principal of Pondok Taufiqy in Pekalongan, the woods were carried by the monkeys in the jungle. Each pillar of the mosque had the name of 4 out of the 9 saints. It was said that these 4 saints was the one responsible for the pillar to be intact as a foundation for the mosque to stand till today.

If you use your rationality and logic, by looking at this mosque, you will find the impossibility on how humans could built this amazing mosque in one day. However, saints have their spiritual power granted to them by Allah s.w.t. Today this mosque is a monument of Faith, love and Humanity.

Pic: Masjid Agung, Demak

Raden Fatah: The Sufi king (Demak)

During the Wali Songo tour last june 07, we visited the Maqam of Raden Fatah (may Allah bless him). He was a sufi king from Demak. He governs the kingdom with the advisors of the Saints (wali songo). Demak was the first Islamic empire in Java land. It was very peaceful and prosperous. The king often had meetings with the Saints (wali Songo) discussing various matters from religious to any worldly matters. The reign of Raden Fatah (may Allah bless him) was a symbol of Humanity and progression. The empire fell during the colonization of the Dutch. The only bloodshed that spread on the ground of Demak was the last defence of the Royal Army and his saints including the muslims who were against the invaders (dutch). Thus the defeat signify the decline of royalty in Demak.
Pic: Maqam of Raden Fatah and his descendant, located nearby to the Masjid Agung.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Maqam of Sultan Malikussalleh q.s.

Pic: Maqam of Sultan Malikussalleh q.s.

p/s: Shaykh Shuria making doa, tawwasul (intercession)