Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The First Mosque in Trengganu, Sultan Zainal Abidin Mosque

Alhamdulilah, we have the time to visit Sultan Zainal Abidin Mosque in Trengganu. It was the first mosque in Trengganu name after the pious Sultan. Its completely whitish with sacred architecturedesign. This is also the reason why its also known as "White Mosque". It was built between 1793 and 1808. From a distance, I thought I could feel the vibes of the Mosque. What came to my mind was "Hadramawt",sort of same architecture design. When I reached at the mosque which is situated in the heart of the city, I feel the sacred feeling of the mosque especially the unique architecture design. It somehow remind me of the National Mosque in Aceh, Baitur Rahman Mosque. Same profound architecture design which had the soothing feeling. Somehow the design attracted my heart. I rather found it more of Turkish mixed with some element of Middle east architecture design. Anyway, I was being informed Islam reached the shore of Trengganu from Iraq. Well, thats another side of history which I will write later on.


appzak said...

Nak tanya ler, penulis blog ni ada belajar ngan mana mana pondok, tariqat atau tuk guru ke?

FastRi said...

alamak.. saya orang terengganu pun tak tau yang islam di terengganu datang dari iraq. bila nak tulis pasal ni?