Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Korban at Aceh and Solo 2008

InshaAllah, this year, I will be helping Yayasan Nurul Ummah and Zawiyah Haqqani Aceh for Ibadah Korban. Per sheep for Solo is $190 while Aceh is $200.

Kiyai Sholeh Mashruh is the principal of Yayasan Nurul ummah. Hes the famous teacher who teach and guide students who are going to study in Egypt, Yemen (Darul Mustafa) and many more while Shaykh Jamhuri is handling the Zawiyah Haqqani Aceh. He is one of the Imam of Baitur Rahman Mosque in Aceh. Alhamdulilah,we have been working together for many years. For those who are keen, you may send the money to me.

The money currency is in Singapore dollars. For more information and enquiries please emJustify Fullail me. Thanks. wasalam. may Allah bless you Khalid Ajmain

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