Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jogjakarta with Love

When the beloved brothers of our naqshbandi haqqani from jogjakarta invited me to attend this event with Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, I can sense it will be a very special one because every event which I had ever attend in Java seems to be very unique and full of spiritual ambiance. The actual venue for the event was supposed to be at Keraton, Royal Palace but somehow have to change its place to another venue. I did what I could to help our brothers in Jogjakarta for this event. When I reached jogjakarta, I was very happy to see many old friends. Alhamdulilah, it was a significant moment because these are the brothers who i spend time with whenever I am in Java.

When we arrive at the venue, there were huge crowd gathering on the big field. They had already started to sing qasidah. Then Habib Syech Assegaf arrived with his delegations. After a while Mawlana Shaykh Hisham came and we followed him to be on the stage. I experience such gathering before during the days I had at Solo with Habib Sholeh al Jufri and Kiyai Sholeh Masrur. Indeed, this event is full of spiritual feelings. Along the Qasidah being recited, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham stood up. We followed his actions and continue reading the Qasidah. When He began to cry, almost the whole audience and gathering shed some tears too including us. Later. during the suhbah, mawlana explained why he stood during the Qasidah. It was because the presence of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. that make him stand during the Qasidah. And he continued how he is able to give suhbah when Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was in our presence.

The Java event had always been a memorable one. I hope and doa that I will be able to return to Jogjakarta and some other parts of Java again in the future. Insha'Allah

Pics by Rifaat Ali
Please do not use this photos without our permission

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