Sunday, March 2, 2008

Shaykh Muhammad Rohimuddin Nawawi Banten

Alhamdulilah, Shaykh Muhammad Rohimuddin Nawawi Banten was in malaysia last week. Most of the time he was at Darul Hasani, Bangi, Selangor. He is the great grandson of the famous Nusantara Islamic Sufi Scholar name Shaykh Nawawi Banten which means he is also related to Sultan Hasanudin of Banten that is connect to one of the Wali Songo Sharif Hidayatullah or known as Sunan Gunung Jati. Shaykh Rohimuddin is the Khalifa of Shaykh Yusuf al Hasani, Tariqa Shahdliyah. Currently, he's teaching in Al Azhar, Egypt. He has been teaching there for the past 10 years.

He was send by Shaykh Yusuf to this region to spread the teaching of Sufism and the school of Shahdliyah. A man of humbleness with a heart of humanity. His methodology of dakwah is sorely base on Love and Humatarinian values. One of his famous qoutes while teaching which will not make me forget for the rest of my life is the one he said " When you look at someone making Maksiat and other negative actions, if you feel sad for the person, you are truly the servant of Allah but if you look at the person with anger and hatred that means you're god". Such words remind me of what most sufi scholars often reminded us not to look down on anyone despite their weaknesses and mistakes.

Shaykh Hisham Kabbani always advice us, dont look at others but look at ourselves. Dont change others but change ourselves. may Allah bless Shaykh Muhammad Rohimuddin for his noble contributions in spreading tariqa and love within the society in this region and the whole world.

Pic: Taken from Shaykh Muhammad Rohimuddin blog. On the right pictures are his lineage of forefathers and on the left are his Grandshaykhs of the Shahdliyah sufi order.

1 comment:

joo said...

i am trying to locate my ancestor in Singapore.His name is capt.Mahmud,shipowner,trader.I came to understand that he is yemeni from hydramaut.Our last family name is al-idrus.His lifetime should be in the late 1800.My grandma-his daughter reside in kedah.Since deceased.My grandma name Sopiah bt.Mahmud.