Monday, December 3, 2007

Spiritual architecture inspiration of Sunan Kudus

Sunan Kudus learnt many lessons and valuable experiences from Sunan Kali Jaga. Therefore he was so tolerant to the local cultures and even more softer compare to the other Saints up to the point that if someone said to have be having difficulty in making dawah in Kudus they will refer back to Sunan Kudus as the most successful person in this area.

He makes good use of the symbols appeared in the religion of Hindusim and Buddhism and manifested it into spiritual architecture especially mosques, minarets, entrance gates and ablutions symbolizing the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. This is a compromising love and arts made by Sunan Kudus to his people.

There was one occasion he deliberately called the locals to listen to his sermon by tying his cow named "Kebo Gumarang" in the mosque courtyard, the Hindus whom revered cows as their deity soon became sympathetic after listening to the explanation made by him in Sura al Baqara. Up until then those people in Kudus refuse to slaughter bulls and cows because of their ancient beliefs in the sanctity of cows.

Sunan Kudus also complied stories on the subject of tauhid into series and made the crowd became enthusiastic in listening to those stories. This is the Javanese version of 1001 Arabian Night prior to the the book of 1001 night during the Abassid Caliphate.
Pic: Minaret of the mosque by Sunan Kudus

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