There was various narrations on his lineage and the place he came from before he was set to travel. According to the custodian of the Maqam, the Sultan was from Yemen then came to Kerala (India) later on he sailed to Pasai, Aceh. Another version stated he came from Maghribi (Morocco) then to Gujerati followed by his last destination Pasai, Aceh. It seems the spiritual heritage of the Alawiyyah are not prominent compare to the spiritual culture of Turkish and Persian. Mawlid Berzanji is well read, Dailul Khiarat is the daily recitation of the souls there and the mosque dome architecture is probably from Turkey. Aceh is the ground breaking for the Naqshbandi and Qadriyyah. Most of their famous saints are following these two spiritual paths.
Regardless of the various historical facts, the most important value we learnt from history is to be humble and sincere. Therefore, the learning of Tassawuf is very important in this period of time. During the reign of this noble Sultan Malikussalleh, Aceh was one of the most progressive nation and economically prosperous. Islam was spread through love, compassion and trading. This is a fact which nobody could deny, the contributions of the Sufis that make an impact in the development of the society. The king himself was a sufi, embracing humanity towards the people. Through the power of love, things can change for the better. Today, we relearnt history, to remember the romance of the past and how we could revive it through our heart and souls.
May Allah bless Sultan Malikussalleh, his descendant and those Awliyah and solihin of Aceh and forgive me.
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