Thursday, February 8, 2007

Tok Ku Paloh "Al Idrus"

Tok Ku Paloh was a very well known 'alim of Trengganu, his name is Sayyid Abdul Rahman al-Idrus, and his grave is well-kept in Kampong Paloh, situated not far from his masjid. The title'Tok Ku' was given to him and his forefathers and decendants in Trengganu signified the high respect from the society for this blessed family, 'Tok Ku' ia abbrevition of 'Datuk Tengku', the title usuallyreserved for the royalties. And actually, in the recent past history of the Trengganu Sultanate, the leading 'alim from this family would coronate the new sultan for the state, and the members of this family was considered as having the same status or almost equal to the sultan's family itself, and some of them are until married to each other.

They practice naqshabandiyyah tariqah, some of them such as Tok Ku Pulau Embun and Tok Ku Paloh himself wrote a number of books in malay and arabic, especially on tasauf matter.

Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong was a 'murid' to Tok Ku Paloh, he initiated a revolt against the British ruling on the land-tax imposed the people of Trengganu, he was, therefore was imprisoned for several times, and finally was exile by the British to Makkah, he died in Makkah. May Allah benefited us from their knowledge and amal.

This short but important writing was done by Ust Zaidi Hassan. I recieved from one of the egroups. I found it very interesting to share with you. If you find any other articles on Tokku Palo, pls email me. thanks


shemeq said...

I recently went to visit Tuan Ehran, Tok Ku Paloh's grandson. In his 80's but looked a lot younger and totally full of positive spirit. It was a great meeting. A great self discovery too.

Gla we have the samer interest.

Unknown said...

Hi I am looking for information regarding the surname Al Idrus and to see if there is a family/ancestor connection - any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me, many thanks.

Engku Anuar said...

You put up a short and interesting post on Tokku Paloh who happened to be my great great grand uncle. I have a copy of the salsilah of the Sayyid Family kept by my Grandfather. A copy of the manuscript and microfil is in the Malaysian Archive. I saw a comment on your post requesting for source on Al-Idrus, he can contact me on that. On me see
Engku Anuar Al-Idrus

Unknown said...

hmmm ... gambar yg tertera itu memang Tokku Paloh atau Tok Bahaman?

Unknown said...

Hi, I emailed you regarding the name Al-Idrus and still waiting for a reply. I tried reading your blog with no satisfaction to the information that I require. are you able to send me a copy of all the information that you have. We have many family members with the name Edries/Edroos and looking for ancestral connections, many thanks Mrs Hemming

Unknown said...

Foto yang tertera bukan foto Tok Ku Paloh sebaliknya foto Dato Bahaman,harap maklum.
dr Sy Mohd Fadhil Al Idrus
Pengerusi Biro Nasab dan Sejarah Persatuan Asyraaf Kuala Terengganu

refa said...

Salam ya habib
ana rifa'i alaydrus dari aceh,saya ingin bertanya tentang keberadaan habib umar cucu dari pada tok ku paloh,karena pada saya melihat silsilah keluarga kami,plg akhir terdapat nama Habib Umar, Syukran

rifa'i bin saleh bin muhammad bin husein bin ismail bin abdullah bin umar alaydrus

Sharifah Ma said...


catatanpinggiransaid said...

ada yang tau, tentang sejarah hubungan alaydrus aceh dengan Malaysia??