Thursday, June 12, 2008

Aceh Tour "Revisiting The Islamic Heritage", Nusantara

Masjid Ikhlas is one of the few mosque that survive the Tsunami. Many Politicians, Celebrities of Sports and Movies visited this mosque after the tragedy such as Bill Clinton, David Beckham , Jackie Chan and many more.

Alhamdulilah we as a group of friends are arranging for spiritual tour to Aceh from 11 July to 15 July 08. We will be visiting to Pasai, the land where Islam reached first in this region. We will discover the history of how Islam came into this region with peace, love and tolerance. We are also visiting some Great Sufis Maqam and school of Nusantara such as Shaykh Hamza Fansuri, Shaykh Abdur Rauf as Singkili and many more. Not forgetting visiting the Royal Palace Aceh Museum and the maqam of Sultan Iskandar Muda. Insha'Allah we will be visiting the Tsunami site, this include the place where the huge ship is on the land. Not forgetting witnessing the wedding culture and food. There will be Zikir Akhbar on 11 July 08.

For the whole package, it will be $750.00 sin dollars. This include air fare from S'pore to Medan then Medan to Aceh the same goes when return, from Aceh to Medan then S'pore, Accomodation 4 days 5 nights at Hotel Medinah, Bus transportation on daily schedules for ziyarah, sight seeing and shopping, airport tax and meals.

We had organize the spiritual tour to Wali Songo last year and it was success and we hope, you are able to join us for this spiritual tour. Reviving the spirit of Spirituality. The deadline to submit your confirmation in joining us for this trip will be on 25th June08. For any information, please email me or call me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Visiting The Maqam of Habib Ali Kwitang, Jakarta

I am sorry to post this late due to unforseen circumstances. My last ziayarah was at Maqam Habib Ali Kwitang. His real name is Habib Ali al Habsyi. There was a narration comfirmed that somehow he is related to Habib noh al Habsyi, Singapore. In fact, he attended the early days of Haul Habib Noh in Singapore. Another story was said, he attended the grand opening of Masjid Ba'alawi in Singapore.

When we arrived after maghrib, there was Mawlid leading by Habib Abdul Rahman al Habsyi and Habib Najib al Haddad including few other habaaibs. Thousand of Crowds was there. After the mawlid, they performed ziyarah. When I entered the mosque, the ambiance of the atmosphere surrounding reminded me of Solo and Hadramawt, Yemen. Even the decoratiion of Maqam of Habib Ali looks similar to the Hadramawt. It was abit more unique as the crowd gathered to sing Qasidah with drums. One of the Amazement I discovered, when I saw few people holding a Javanese umbrella while Habib Abdul Rahman was walking.

As I was walking towards the Maqam, a habib came to me with a warm welcome. I didn't know who he was perhaps a humble habib that wants me to feel comfortable attending the ziyarah . I saw many performing tawaf and at the same time doa around the maqam, this is their spiritual culture there. From a distance, the glimpse of the maqam, make me excited. Alhamdulilah, I managed to be near the maqam as we tawwasul upon those who are closer to Allah swt.

pic 01- Habib Najib al Haddad leaving the place
pic 02 - Maqam of Habib Ali Kwitang.
Pic 03- Tawaf and also tawwasul
pic 04 - Crowd trying to salam Habib Abdul Rahman al Habsyi while he is leaving the place

Please take note do not take the photos without permission.